Tag: types
Discussing “A very modal model of a modern, major, general type system”
This paper is an influential landmark in the development of what is now usually called guarded recursion, following a trail that roughly goes from Nakano’s introduction of the approximation modality, to this paper, to a Dreyer, Ahmed, and Birkedal paper that I haven’t yet read for this blog but will probably eventually get to, to…
Discussing “Computational Types from a Logical Perspective”
This is a sequel to a paper by Moggi that I discussed some time ago. That paper discussed side effects, which are, roughly speaking, anything interesting that a program does other than map inputs deterministically to outputs, such as failure to terminate with a value, taking in user input, or producing output before the computation…
Recent Posts
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- Discussing “A very modal model of a modern, major, general type system”
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2000 2001 2007 2014 2019 2020 2021 2023 Anupam Das Cambridge Tracts in Theoretical Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University Christopher D. Richards City University of New York Coq Cubical Type Theory Guarded recursion Hiroshi Nakano INRIA Rocquencourt intuitionistic logic intuitionistic modal logic Jonathan Sterling LICS LORIA Maarten de Rijke Melvin Fitting Metaprogramming modal logic nested sequent calculus Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic Patrick Blackburn POPL Princeton University Rocq Ryukoku University sequent calculus Sonia Marin TABLEAUX types type theory University of Amsterdam University of Birmingham University of Cambridge University of Oxford Université Paris 7 Yde Venema