State of association finances June 2024


A post like this has been a long time coming, but we wanted to sort out the formalities around the association first.

Now that we have done that and have a bank account and migrated ownership of the payment accounts to the association, it’s time to make our finances transparent.

Note that this is not a formal financial report. That one will be created for -and presented at- the association’s membership meeting later this year.

Ways to financially support FediScience

Since Nov. 2022 it is possible to make financial contributions to the running of FediScience through Patreon and Liberapay. Before then any costs where carried by Victor and Frank.

Once we enabled people’s contributions, this was very kindly taken up with great generosity and we were (and still are) able to cover our infrastructure costs.

Earnings and outlays so far

The following table gives an overview over the earnings and where we spent money since Nov. 2022. Note that the earnings are net; the platform fees have already been subtracted.

Not included are any costs of setting up the association. Those have been covered by the current board members.

Income / cost itemPeriodAmount
Donations through Liberapay17.11.22 – 02.05.247,389.15 Eur
Donations through Patreon10.11.22 – 12.06.241,320.00 Eur
Server and storage box cost11.11.22 – 24.05.24-2,069.96 Eur
DeepL translation service21.04.23 – 21.04.24-98.68 Eur
Mailgun email service01.12.22 – 06.06.24-619.96 Eur
19% VAT (1)-1,403.94 Eur
Total4,516.60 Eur

(1) Frank had to pay those because, as a freelancer, the earning counted as income for him.

As you can see the association has a nice cushion that will cover any of our costs and allow us to carry out additional activities and / or upgrade our infrastructure.

As a charitable association we are exempt of a number of taxes, but the charitable status cannot fully be relied upon to persist (as can be seen in the case of Mastodon gGmbH) and it is prudent for us to keep enough funds in reserve that we can pay our taxes should the charitable status be revoked.

For any questions or comments, please contact

