Tag: 2023

  • Discussing “On Intuitionistic Diamonds (and Lack Thereof)”

    Discussing “On Intuitionistic Diamonds (and Lack Thereof)”

    I choose papers for this blog by looking at the most cited papers in my Google Scholar recommendations of recent papers. This week, my algorithm has read my mind by recommending a fairly new paper that was already at the top of my list of papers to read. Its topic, as with a few papers…

  • Discussing “Isabelle/HOL: A Proof Assistant for Higher-Order Logic”

    Discussing “Isabelle/HOL: A Proof Assistant for Higher-Order Logic”

    In the world of interactive theorem provers two systems stand out for their maturity and wide adoption. One is Rocq, until recently known as Coq, about which I have written previously; Isabelle/HOL, the topic of this week’s reading, is the other. Rocq is one of a number of systems (for example, Lean) based on Martin-Löf’s…